Things I’m realizing on “day something” of self-isolation:

  1. We live on a cul-de-sac. Typically there are at least 10 cars going through on every other day. But during this quarantine period, it is “still”. “Still” can be peaceful in many circumstances. But a “still” and quiet cul-de-sac, usually bustling with activities, is eerie.
  2. We can hear the train from our house! We only very rarely hear the train coming through town on “regular” days. But with the quiet, I have started to track time through the sound of the train. The lack of activity has made the world quiet, except for the occasional interruptions.
  3. This is actually my Post #5 of COVID reflections if you count my letter to Finley. But I’m going with it.
  4. I can entertain a two-year-old quite well with my sense of humor. and, I find two-year-old jokes hilarious, the further into isolation we go. The longer this lasts, the harder it will be for me to be around adults.
  5. Tim is sick himself, and quarantined at his own home during this time – at least another week to go. I miss even a fifteen minute shower on my own while Tim is with Finn. I didn’t realize how much I needed that time to myself. I knew I needed it a lot- but this is another level.
  6. But, I can always find patience, love, and tenderness for Finley. I’m so lucky to be isolated with him. As hard as it is, he’s my buddy and we are doing alright (and sometimes now showering together so I can actually get that shower).
  7. I am somewhat tech savvier than I thought- I have set up a cast from laptop to TV, set up a little computer system, and have done more Zoom meetings than I thought possible in the house. Score!
  8. Introverted does not mean you like isolation. It means you gain strength from being by yourself, but also can function in the general population. To be told as an introvert you CAN’T see people, is different from not wanting to be around people.
  9. I don’t know what day it is and time is in a warp. Finley’s bedtimes are whack, I may have screwed up naptime forever (sorry Grandmas), and dinnertime is never at the same time. I have to figure this out.
  10. Schedules are important.
  11. I can live off the food we have for a very long while. I do NOT need to spend so much money each week on groceries.
  12. I do not need Amazon as much. I’ve been kind of “hanging” on to money in fear of the future so haven’t been shopping as much or as tempted by the Amazon seductress. Now that there isn’t a guaranteed two day shipping, I have not bought anything except the essential dog food. I do not need to use Amazon as much as I thought I did.
  13. My neighbor hired an escort that comes almost every two weeks….she is evidently considered essential service as her services continue….
  14. Finn and I enjoy sitting on the front stoop, blowing bubbles, and watching said neighbor’s house when the escort is there to say, “we know, we know”. But as the escort seems to work in 6 hour shifts, this is not sustainable.
  15. I have become very lonely and creative in this isolation time.
  16. Working at home is not as easy as once thought.
  17. I love and miss my family…’s hard not to be able to give them a hug or see their “germs” as an enemy and vice versa. I do not like this one bit. But we continue.

2 thoughts on “Time to Reflect: COVID-19 (Post #4)

  1. Love you….. and you made me laugh uncontrollably at the end of your list. I even know what her car looks like!

    Big virtual hugs because what you are doing is hard. Love that you are writing again.


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